Experience the
Joy of Living


person spreading pest repellant on the side of a driveway with text and graphic overlay reading "simple solution, single application""

Simple Solution

  • 1 application

    A single application that targets mosquitos, wasps, spiders, ants, ticks, and flies. It is perfect for quick relief of bugs and is great for outdoor special events. Protection lasts for an entire month!

a person spraying for pests in trees surrounding a driveway of a home, with text and graphic overlay reading "summer solution, three applications"

Summer Solution

  • 3 applications

    Comprehensive pest control coverage throughout the spring and summer seasons with regular treatments scheduled approximately every 38 days.

a team of 3 people spraying a yard for pests with text and graphic overlay reading "complete protection, four applications"

Complete Protection

  • 4 applications

    Comprehensive pest control coverage throughout the spring and summer seasons with regular treatments scheduled approximately every 30 days.


ants swarming
  • We offer a comprehensive solution for ant infestations. Our services include professional nest removal and effective preventive measures to solve your ant issues.

  • We provide a comprehensive solution for mosquito infestations. Our services encompass swift and professional relief, mosquito habitat control, and efficient preventive measures to address your mosquito concerns.

  • We offer a comprehensive solution for wasp nests and infestations. Our services include professional nest removal and effective preventive measures to solve your wasp issues.

  • With our comprehensive spring and summer protection tailored to effectively combat chinch bug infestations, we prevent them from destroying your lawn and causing yellowing and browning patches throughout your yard.

  • We offer a comprehensive solution for spider infestations. Our services include professional and quick relief, de-webbing, and effective preventive measures to solve your spider issues.

a mouse poking its head out of a burrow
  • Full year protection: Our quarterly service plan offers comprehensive protection against mice infestations. You will receive unlimited bait during our evaluation visits and restocking every quarter. Our team of experts will install and monitor bait boxes on your property to proactively manage and control the mice population, preventing any potential major issues from arising.